Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lazy Sunday

... sitting in a rocking chair. Drinking coffee. Playing with the baby kittens. Going to the beach later. This is the life :)

Sadly I also have to create a presentation on urticaria later today but that can wait. 

Great day yesterday celebrating 33rd anniversary of the '79 Sandinista revolution here in Nicaragua. There was a big parade that we joined - people are very politically motivated here and it's interesting to see how much pride they have in the democracy that is here, although it's debatable how functional it is. Will have to learn more from Jaguar Smile. Spent the rest of the day wandering through the city and then out to a bar last night for beers and conversation. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ellie,
    Glad you are over there... I am sure getting rid of someone like Somoza three decades ago is reason enough to continue celebrating.
    I found out from Maggie that you left for Nicaragua... without saying goodbye! what a great experience...

